Anti-Child Mutilation Protest in Nashville Draws Far-Left Counter Protestors

An anti-child mutilation protest of an estimated 1,000 people held on Friday afternoon in Nashville that featured a long list of Republican speakers and child rights activists also brought out a smaller group of far-left counter protesters.

“‘Gender-affirming care’ is neither affirming nor care,” says an invite to the rally. “In September, The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh unveiled an alarming report on the use of irreversible—and harmful puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and surgeries on healthy children at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN. Children should be able to trust their doctors, but are instead at the mercy of a destructive ideology led by activists.”

Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire hosted the event, which featured speakers like Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), and state elected officials like Majority Leader for the Tennessee House of Representatives Rep. William Lamberth (R-District 44).

One of those speakers was Landon Starbuck, an anti-child mutilation activist.

“We’re here today to protect children from child mutilation… and we are so grateful to the survivors of the horrific child mutilation taking place in our state, to the survivors of radical gender ideology that devastates families, decimates childrens’ bodies, and does not give them the healthcare they need and deserve,” said Starbuck. “That is why we’re here today, and there is nothing that is going to stop us from delivering that important message.”

“Under the guise of ‘gender affirmation’ our kids are being put at risk by those pushing harmful, irreversible surgeries. We must protect our children,” Gabbard said in a tweet before the event.

Shortly after the rally began far-left protestors who support mutilating minors showed up to counter protest.

Reporter Drew Hernandez posted several video of the counter protestors using foul language and gestures:

In one video, a counter protestor screams into a megaphone at an anti-child mutilation protestor:

Hernandez identified some of the protestors as members of the far-left group “Antifa,” a loosely-knit coalition of militant left-wingers.

The far-left Twitter warriors from The Tennessee Holler were also in attendance, capturing live video and celebrating the vulgar counter protest:


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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].

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Photo “Anti-Child Mutilation Protest in Nashville Draws Far-Left Counter Protestors” by Drew Hernandez.


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4 Thoughts to “Anti-Child Mutilation Protest in Nashville Draws Far-Left Counter Protestors”

  1. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Have the gates of hell opened up in the last two years? It certainly feels that way.

  2. Nashville Deplorable

    AntiFa members wore masks. I guess they didn’t want to get recognized and fired from their Door Dash jobs.

  3. 83ragtop50

    Just take a good look at the mutilation proponents. An amazing assortment of losers.

  4. Tim Price

    The left acting like jackals again!
